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Trazas de Rosa Galindo

22 de May de 2024 - 24 de June de 2024
WhatsApp Image 2024 05 17 at 10.15.59 Pigment Gallery Galería de Arte en Barcelona Trazas de Rosa Galindo

Rosa Galindo liberates us in a world that she is able to see when she immerses herself in the interior of the essence of things, people and existence itself. Movement, whether in a swirl or a torrent, in spirals or sinuous lines, presents us with ways to explore time and space.

The apparent schematism shown in Rosa Galindo’s works should not be read as a simplification, but rather on the contrary, her backgrounds loaded with rich silences welcome the brushstrokes converted into traces of movement, to reveal the very essence of being. In other words, in her painting what is impossible to perceive materializes, the subtle energy that inhabits each action. An energy that constitutes the internal order of the individual that seeks to transcend the appearance of things.


  • Date: 22 de May de 2024 - 24 de June de 2024
  • Location:Trafalgar 70
  • Curators:Rosa Galindo

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