Benjamin Gaumard

Benjamin Gaumard begins his training and production linked to wood with training in cabinetmaking and later in drawing.

He worked for seven years as an assistant to the designer Kenzo and it was during this period that he came into contact with Japanese culture. From several trips and conversations with the designer he got to know the origami technique for which he felt absolute fascination and began to specialize and work on it.

In addition to a clear influence of Japanese culture, Benjamin’s works are influenced by a trip he made in a hot air balloon to the temples of Burma, where he was impressed by the effect of the shadows of the buildings.

Thus, shadows, light and the delicacy of the millenary technique are the characteristics of his Murmurations.

In his works, he works with compositions of small origami birds resinated on wood. The result is a piece that plays with light and shadows that reveal in the wood the essence of the work.

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